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Home Moving Tips

Moving your place or residence can be an exciting time.

The key to a successful household move is planning. Good planning can make the difference between a total nightmare and a great move. Done right, your household move can be an adventure and fun time for you and your family. Plan and book your move well in advance. Not sure, just ask, we are here to help. Sueland Moving and Storage Inc. can walk you through the process of moving your home.

  • Book your mover well in advance. Try and plan your move mid-week before the end or beginning of the month. Having a few days to unpack and organize before going back to work makes life a little easier. It’s also easier to book movers as they are busiest weekends and especially the beginning or end of the month.
  • Purge your clutter before moving, have a garage/moving sale or donate to a charity. There is no point in moving stuff you never use. Any money made from a garage sale can help offset your moving costs.
  • Get plenty of boxes or totes, preferably the same size. Same sized boxes or totes are easier to stack, move and load. This also minimizes the risk of damage to the contents. Standard sized boxes or totes are available from Sueland Moving and Storage Inc.
  • Buy or rent wardrobe boxes for hanging clothes. These make packing the clothes closets easier and help keep the clothing damage and wrinkle free. These are available from Sueland Moving and Storage Inc.
    Number your boxes on the top as well as one the side as well as which room it goes to.
    Example…“Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2” Label the doors of the new place with the same so the movers know which room the boxes go to.
  • Make a list of the contents of each numbered box as you pack. Listing your contents on a list makes it incredibly easy to find things and you will know if you are missing a box. Don’t lose the list!Example…
    Box Number Room Contents1 Bedroom 1 Debbie’s CDs, photo albums2 Bedroom 1 dresser knick knacks, trophies
    Have everything ready to go on moving day. Packing while the movers are loading is a really bad idea and makes for a very long stressful move.
  • If you are renting, take pictures of your home after you have moved and cleaned everything out. Take pictures of your new home before you move in especially if there is any mess or damage before moving in. This may help if there are any disputes with your new or previous landlord.
  • Check with your home/care insurance to see if they cover a move? Consider purchasing extra insurance.
    Avoid buying too much food, use up as much food prior to the move, especially frozen and perishable goods.
    Prepare a list of all the credit cards, banks, newspapers, utilities, insurance, doctor, dentist and friends that need to be notified of your new address.
  • Make a list of all online services that you need to change the address for. A good example would be Amazon or E Bay. You want to change the shipping addresses so you don’t ship anything to the old address.
    Arrange disconnection and re-connection of all your utilities and services. Suggest overlapping the utilities 1 day before and 1 day after your move day to avoid any disruption.
  • Pack an overnight bag for each of your family members. Moving makes for a long day and having your basic essentials and a change of clothing at hand takes away some of the stress when you are tired.
  • Make sure you have some cash on hand for moving day for unexpected expenses.
  • Fill any prescriptions prior to moving and pack these in your overnight bag.
  • Start Moving Now, Get Your Free Quote!